Saturday, March 11, 2006

Is it time to start once again...?

Here is something I thought I MUST put at the LAWSPOT.

"We are formally under a Constitution but by the grace of world corporatecracy, under American hegemony. Gandhi's Swadeshi is dead. Nehru's socialism is under eclipse. The Constitution is comatose and the courts are drowned in oceanic litigation. Dalits have none to lead and there is chaos in the cosmos. The court itself has changed its class character. E.M.S. Naboodiripad was punished for contempt when he poined out the class character of the judiciary but today the judicial class has secured larger emoluments, more power over the other two branches and justice, especially social justice, is in a precarious condition. The past projects itself into the present and the tryst with destiny madeby Indians cannot be betrayed."

From, V.R. Krishna Iyer, "the Noble Preamble: We have Promises to Keep"

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