Sometimes things are so difficult that you think of quitting. At these times what makes one go forward is dreams of a tomorrow where everything will be alright.
The papers today had the striking down of the Narendran Commission's Report relating to creamy layer in Kerala by the Supreme Court as its headline. Justice delayed is supposed to be justice denied. What was the need for waiting till now (the case was filed in 2002), to strike down the report? Now what will happen to the recruitment made on the basis of the flawed report till now?
I am not going into the merits and demerits of the Narendran Commission's Report. I am wondering about the tardy judicial progress which is the bane of a democratic society that affixes responsibility and accountability on nobody.
At least in the judicial sphere, there has to be some efforts at reducing the time made available to a court to arrive at a decision. human lifespan is so meagre that life of entire generations gets wasted by inordinate delay in finalising issues relating ultimately to policy.
We need more members in the judiciary. 26 judges in the Supreme Court of a Nation that boasts of more than a billion citizens is pathetic, to say the least.
This reflects the rest of the judicial setup and is indicative of the maladies that face justice
administration in the country. It is high time this is changed.
The papers today had the striking down of the Narendran Commission's Report relating to creamy layer in Kerala by the Supreme Court as its headline. Justice delayed is supposed to be justice denied. What was the need for waiting till now (the case was filed in 2002), to strike down the report? Now what will happen to the recruitment made on the basis of the flawed report till now?
I am not going into the merits and demerits of the Narendran Commission's Report. I am wondering about the tardy judicial progress which is the bane of a democratic society that affixes responsibility and accountability on nobody.
At least in the judicial sphere, there has to be some efforts at reducing the time made available to a court to arrive at a decision. human lifespan is so meagre that life of entire generations gets wasted by inordinate delay in finalising issues relating ultimately to policy.
We need more members in the judiciary. 26 judges in the Supreme Court of a Nation that boasts of more than a billion citizens is pathetic, to say the least.
This reflects the rest of the judicial setup and is indicative of the maladies that face justice
administration in the country. It is high time this is changed.